Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Google ‘death of atheists’; find-out where they go:

HEAVEN’s LAUNDRY ROOM: every person on the earth has an exoskeleton which is quite perishable; yet also an indelible soul which may travel in either direction after our demise. Donta gotta be Catholic; just gotta be pure, living for God alone without the veneer of hypocrisy, living for the salvation of souls. Y gotta become holy like this sinner, kid.

1. if you love God with all your heart even if it means being the outcast (who bloody cares? GOT BAWLS???) 2. if you love your neighbor the same without sex; 3. if you long for 7thHeaven which I myself went where ALL our desires come to fruition; 4. if you're never scared of weinerschnitzels who cannot hurt (especially if you’re ex-black belt, especially if they flee like wee children before the Cross); 5. if you repent as often as this ostentatious, bodacious, mortal sinner; 6. If you carry the literal Cross (I am! invincibly! fearless! 
[yawn] can a mortal man stand against God?) 7. if you pray the Divine Mercy everyday; 8. if you stay steadfast/rock solid to the Trinity even if means your demise which you should look forward to because then you’ll join me in the ultra-extra-exquisite-plethora-of-party-hardy-for-eternity, you should have no trouble in reaching the Elysian Fields.

Dude, I’m insane for God; God can be anything I desire and I certainly know what I desire: nonillions X! milliquadrillions X! oemnillions of girls, girls, girls. See Saint Teresatestimony [from the Rue d’Bac, Paris]; she was an entrenched oddball. God loves oddballs.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

see you soon, adorable girl

Does God have a Ph.d? Several highest doctorates??
Hardly: sHe’s the Universal Master; sHe donta gotta
no time for learning. Why? sHe knows EVERYTHING
Even the fateful hour of our lifelong demise; even the
Oort Cloud and exactly how many upNatoms -
remember, sHe made the universe.
Nyah. So look at this sinfull mortal:

I’m thought of as the very bottom by the Vox Populi
because of my gait/speech. Glory2God!!!
I’m considered pretty retarded2which’s pretty #@%!!
cool; all my life actually I was thot of as slower-than-
stupid just because I didn’t talk/dyslexia right! away!
Now, with my head injury, I’m right where God wants.
...yet their opinions of me matter little to me. Why?
They, too, will perish; they too shall be Judged on
whether or not they loved God with all-their-heart
AND helped the ‘homeless’ and/or the beggar.

I want absolutely nthn on this earth, Miss Wisdom,
not even human respect. Why? Living solely for God,
I consider high degrees/superficial, self-aggrandizement
idolatry - sHe didn’t spend Her time studying only trying
to achieve what is passing-away.

Take your thumb/first finger; hold’m close together
without touching. Precisely how long our lives are
whether you wanna believe it or not. The solution to
immortality without death? REPENT n BELIEVE (best
place to do that first, maroon word? At your bedside.
Kneel. Spill your guts out, man. be@peace).

Sunday, July 9, 2023

surely humanity can discern if you’re as head injured as me:

The ‘Sign of the Cross’ which I do constantly, isn’t only/necessarily Catholic but has dramatic yields to the ignorant: the realism by which the Trinity is symbolized by us Chrysalis-Christians if we use this in the context of piecing a puzzle together, so shall invoke a colossal ‘fait accompli’ (French: ‘deed is done’) to assist us in reaching the lost. Thus...

As a Near Death Experiencer, as have millions of others all-over-the-world, I personally know s’up. Literally. CAREFUL, PEOPLE. Don’ta wanna remain ‘laissez-faire’ witha your eternal existence, wiseguy: I know MrTs gonna win (as the prophecy by our Creator says and sHe’s never wrong), yet what about your soul? That means although everyone’s mortal body perishes, our indelible soul is what I’m most concerned about:

1. Prefer abortion or birth?

2. Prefer MrT or SloJo... or aloof?

3. Prefer indifferent to God or thou-knowest-where-thou-goest?

4. Prefer Seventh-Heaven or Hellfire? Or Purgatory for those of U.S. who say they’re sorry at death’s hour?? God doesn’t wanna lose a single soul... yet sHe will if you staunchly refuse outta FREE WILL (God doesn’t want robots).

What makes me more kornfuzed is how the Hollywood producers don’t realize a few of U.S. bright ones recognize Satan is pulling-the-strings... till Jesus comes back and there shall be literal Hell to pay. Hopefully, this shall influence us to be brighter than the sun: Make Your Choice -SAW

Monday, June 26, 2023

3 destinies, 2 eternal, 1s Purgatory: choose Heaven!

Though my Pop worked at the world-famous-Menningers as a neurosurgeon/psychiatrist earning gobbsa moolah, he preferred to stay humble. He bought himself a lil’ Colt (not a baby horse, but an early 80s car). My point?

The lotta youse aren’t as yet ‘knockMdead’ (literally) to this cunning world as I am, thus, you're undefined about which way to vamoose after (cars, clothes, cashcondumbs, calumny, oi! bloody conformity!! to the world influence a lotta U.S. to turn-away from our True Home, our True Creator).

Thankfully, our blogOrammathon came to the rescue for those who wanted to learn of the red-flags and stop the general anesthesia which swept across our nation in the heightened ‘bourgeois macabre’ in ‘09.

 A: I shot-up like a bottle-rocket to miraculous serenity as a Near Death Experiencer which should influence a lotta U.S. to question what happens after our demise. Q: Sadly, it seems a lotta Americans are too comfortable to refuse the Mark. Yo! Christians! Pray, pray, pray your loved ones don’t fall to the succulent captivation of o’BOMBa (ain’t gonna happen Upstairs, son; only two sexes: male/female, innie or outie, ovaries/BAWLS, baby. Don’cha wanna have BAWLS, Obomba??)

Of course! said the Source! A lotta youse are still gonna talk dissent against the Almighty; however, the dynamics of ‘dish scent’ which o’BOMBa snakes-his-way-in leads humanity down the drain in his amiable vulgarity.

REPENT n BELIEVE in Jesus, humanity. If not, you might send yourself to the LEFT at our Divine Judgement by your indifference: personally, after our accident, the nefarious-world-run-by-Satan meant absolutely nthn compared to Heaven where we’ll live eternally doing everything YOU hoped or desired:

—>  NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com  <—

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

July 21, 2021... You're now entering the 7-year Tribulation & Rapture ❤️...

Y’wanna cuppOcawfy??
<- Doesn’t it so wrongfully assail thy ears
withe excruciating, Noo Joisey spelling?
Precisely how abortion/homosexuality
assault our Creator:

Q: is gay sex allowed Upstairs?? Nope.
A: neither is anal sex allowed in Hellfire.
Heterosexuals enter in the RIGHT way,
the One which produces offspring, child,
never the LEFT which is of Gaia, the demon.

Again, the LEFTs so-called ‘freedom’ without
God, is not freedom at all but too antithetical.
Did Jesus come to bring peace?
Jesus came to divide in pieces:
those who’re LEFT vs. RIGHT-ly ascend.
Our finite lives are only a test,
humanity, and so many fail.
Why? F R E E  W I L L.

Everyone HAS a chance to be a part of 7thHeaven -
yet how willing art thou to be insane like me???
I was in the State Hospital a few times...
Now, grrr, the algorithms are gonna send me pix
of dazzling nut houses or nut jobs or Almond Joy.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

1 Corinthians 11:1 (<- ‘Corinth’ was a city in Asia Minor)

*DECIDE NOW* Where YOU gonna be at death’s hour? L or R (or, egad,
sitting-on-the-fence)? The political spectrum matters little as long as you’re
on the side of Msr. God Almighty, esq. - sHe’ll allow us to write oemnillions
of novels, larger than Dostoevsky’s rigorous expressive. Why follow a motley
LIAR on a crack-pot-pirate-ship which’s literally going down if you wanna
be the King Upstairs? How can you achieve your brilliance like the quiet stars,
miss gorgeous, if you don't go where I go??

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Upstairs, girls, loving you’ll be so far beyond anything yet experienced.

Don’ta thinka I need to tella youse Seventh-Heaven shall be all the
desires/wants/passions of humanity forever and ever. Nyah. So just
go around doing GoodWorks, loving God, loving thy neighbor/warning,
giving’m our blog if you don’ta gotta one (skuze d’hefty Italian axent)
in this yielding-verdict-existence - all humanity must bequeath to our
Creator those ‘radioactive, renegade youth’ of our ignorant years.

Just as this finite existence shall be over soon, Janet was yikes! DOA at
only seventeen while I was in a coma for ten+ days at 15, escorted Upstairs
by an angel. I saw this HUGE, white castle ready to descend. Wont be any
time when the Rapture starts: REPENT n BELIEVE Our next post tells you
how! Nothing else to start your walk with [Miss] Wisdom (I call Her ‘miss’
because there’s gotta be both sexes): I’m doing a crazy amount of PRO!
Creation! in 7th Heaven, too. Heaven would be very boring if we didn’t.

In fact, I loved to ‘hang-on’ to my mom’s leg when I was very young, never
letting go, desiring to be as One (like ‘I so miss the womb’), her dragging me
‘round as the Freudian housework was accomplished. Still do. Still love women.
In fact, still am giving my all for Her now. To Be Continued...