Thursday, August 8, 2024

John Rich? Should be Richie-Rich:

Im a true iconoclast
intertwined withe Vine
-blessed benign then...
ALL the wealth, ALL the
power is truly pointless:

How many humans are willing to
be guillotined and die a martyr
which is over in a split second??
You willing to be counted among
the saints in timeless 7thHeaven?

DONT lookit his clothes or his cowboy hat -
very, very, very, very superficial/shallow
IF you judge him by his clothes and believe you’re
somehow better than him; instead, grow-up and
smell the coffee: Lucifer was made by God. Thus,
the battle is between good versus evil:
concentrate on your indelible soul first...
then you’ll see the things of earth are gargantuanly
ridiculous IF they’re not focused on the Trinity.
Why?? Satan’s BigOlDemons will flee like scared
rabbits at the Name of Jesus. Showtime, sunshine.

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