Does God have a Ph.d? Several highest doctorates??
Hardly: sHe’s the Universal Master; sHe donta gotta
no time for learning. Why? sHe knows EVERYTHING.
Even the fateful hour of our lifelong demise; even the
Oort Cloud and exactly how many upNatoms -
remember, sHe made the universe.
Nyah. So look at this sinfull mortal:
I’m thought of as the very bottom by the Vox Populi
because of my gait/speech. Glory2God!!!
I’m considered pretty retarded2which’s pretty #@%!!
cool; all my life actually I was thot of as slower-than-
stupid just because I didn’t talk/dyslexia right! away!
Now, with my head injury, I’m right where God wants.
...yet their opinions of me matter little to me. Why?
They, too, will perish; they too shall be Judged on
whether or not they loved God with all-their-heart
AND helped the ‘homeless’ and/or the beggar.
I want absolutely nthn on this earth, Miss Wisdom,
not even human respect. Why? Living solely for God,
I consider high degrees/superficial, self-aggrandizement
idolatry - sHe didn’t spend Her time studying only trying
to achieve what is passing-away.
Take your thumb/first finger; hold’m close together
without touching. Precisely how long our lives are
whether you wanna believe it or not. The solution to
immortality without death? REPENT n BELIEVE (best
place to do that first, maroon word? At your bedside.
Kneel. Spill your guts out, man. be@peace).
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